NEUE EINHEIT Extra Nr.29 from Dec 29th 1996

Translation from the German original.

NEUE EINHEIT to several questions


In connection to a statement about the action of Rolf Martens which we published in the middle of August, 1996, whereby we also dealt with the history of our organization, several questions have been sent to our organization about our position regarding questions of the People's Republic of China and several political forces there, but also about our position regarding the Communist Party of Peru (Shining Path of Mariátegui). For several months we have been engaged in gaining a more detailed picture of Latin-American affairs and in preparing a statement.

We shall answer these questions very soon, perhaps in January, 1997, and in this context we shall also, as far as this was possible based on the documents at hand, go into the foundations of the Communist Party of Peru.



About the backgrounds of the occupation of the embassy in Lima

Presently an action has gained the attention of the worldwide public, the action of hostage taking in the Japanese embassy in Lima by the MRTA. The MRTA is - to put it mildly - an utterly unclear revolutionary organization which is to be seen in a connection not only with Peruvian bourgeois parties like the APRA, but also with circles of US capitalism which are behind.

Presently an action has gained the attention of the worldwide public, the action of hostage taking in the Japanese embassy in Lima by the MRTA. The MRTA is - to put it mildly - an utterly unclear revolutionary organization which is to be seen in a connection not only with Peruvian bourgeois parties like the APRA, but also with circles of US capitalism which are behind.

It can hardly be imagined that an action like an occupation of an embassy will change the least of the social situation in Peru, like it can be heard from the MRTA which in all seriousness "demands" from the present government to change its policies into the direction of the interests of the broad masses in Peru. As far as the personal motive of many members of the MRTA is concerned, the cruel ill-treatment of members in the Peruvian dungeons makes understandable also a participation and a partisanship in such an action.

But as far as the political significance of this matter is concerned, the following essential characteristics become apparent, not at all surprising. One has to start from the point that the US is engaged in changing the situation which from their point of view has got bogged down, in order to move again into the direction of the former parliamentary system, in order not to have to rely on Fujimori and his gang alone. All the imperialists prefer a flexible system, in which they can use different and exchangeable personages and institutions.


Fujimori, like his predecessors, has yielded to the pressure of the international finance capital which on its part as well - one should never forget that - admittedly stands in decisive connection with all the drugs machinations. But Fujimori has allowed himself a series of highhanded actions. In 1992 he brought more or less the whole apparatus of state under his thumb and of his close "advisors" like Montesinos, and attempted to push through, so to say, his own regime within the international circumstances given by the pressure of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other decisive financial institutions. On the other hand Montesinos in particular is suspected in public to be in cahoots with circles of the US. If things were to develop according to the ideas of the finance oligarchy, this has to be changed somewhat again. One should have more of a "pluralistic system", by which finance capital could have various levers in Peru and would be able to direct things according to their unlimited desires.

Also as far as the cocaine connection is concerned they want to direct things as they like.

The periodical El Diario, interestingly enough, points to several incidents which indicate connections of the state administration in Peru also to the Russian and (formerly) revisionist mafia.

The Peruvian government itself referred to the "blessing" for the budget provided by the billions of dollars from the culture of the raw material for cocaine, as it was necessary to do justice to the debt extortion.

An essential point is the rivalry between Japan and the US. During the past years the Japanese have penetrated Peru like never before. They penetrate also other countries like Brazil and the US itself, but in Peru they might be able to gain something like a position of dominance, just because of their own administrative connections. The US is strictly opposed to the Japanese getting a rather solid base on the southern Pacific coast. The present occupation of the embassy, significantly enough, hits the Japanese interests in the first place, not only the embassy and the political reputation but also the commercial interests of the Japanese.

Certainly several members who have put through the occupation of the embassy are inspired by the wish to help their prisoners in the dungeons of the Peruvian state. We think, however, that not by coincidence this aspect during the further actions went into the background, and that the actual endeavors, as described by us, will come to the fore, because American imperialism has always tried, in all of the countries, to gain a foothold not only with the reactionaries but also to infiltrate the revolutionary groups and make them active according to its own wishes.



Editorial staff of NEUE EINHEIT,

© 1996 Verlag NEUE EINHEIT   (Inh. Hartmut Dicke)